Repacking or Consolidating: Procedures
Repacking and consolidating transshipped containerised sea cargo into a new container while the goods are under customs control. You can also consolidate transshipped goods that arrive in Australia in parts into a single consignment for export. You can only repack or consolidate cargo at a licenced depot.
You must submit an UBMR to move the goods to the depot. When you report the goods for export, you must report all Transshipment Numbers that relate to the goods on a sub-manifest. You can move the goods to the place of export once the sub-manifest receives a clear status in the ICS.
In transit, cargo has an overseas discharge port and destination port, the cargo is not moved off the ship or aircraft in Australia. You must report in-transit cargo to us on the cargo report. You do not need to submit an import or export declaration for in-transit cargo. If you unload the in-transit cargo at an Australian port, ABF will treat the cargo as transshipped goods. You should amend the cargo report to show the Australian port of discharge. The ICS will then assign the cargo report transshipment status and generate a Transshipment Number: AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMS NOTICE NO. 2007/28
Revised procedures: Loading and Unloading of Goods (other than cargo) onto/off ships.
This notice details the reporting procedures required for the loading and unloading of ship stores.
Commencing 12 June 2007 all applications to load ships stores and remove goods (other than cargo) from ships must be made to Customs using the following forms:
- Request to Load Goods (Other Than Cargo) onto Ship (FORM 43)
- Request to remove Goods (Other Than Cargo) from Ship (FORM 44)
- Both forms are available from the media, publications and forms section of the Customs Internet located at www.customs.gov.au.
- Request to Load Goods (Other than Cargo) onto Ship (FORM 43)
Section 129 of the Customs Act 1901 (the Act) requires that before stores are loaded on board
a ship an approval by Customs needs to be obtained. The Request to Load Ships Stores (FORM 43), is
the only form authorised by Customs as the means of gaining that approval. Failure to gain an approval under section 129 of the Act may result in seizure of the stores as prohibited exports.